Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Night to Remember

Mace corporation held a gala party last December 19 2017 at the Orleans Arena. It is a night filled with food drinks and musical performance. A party that catered almost 400 guests and friends and team members of our Mace Family. The show starts with the awarding of our Outstanding Mace team and it shows that this company show appreciation and no efforts will go unnoticed. The highlights of the show was the outstanding performances from our founder and inventor Eddie Clores band and the legendary artist Gloria Papin and some notable performance is from Kea Chan and a funny but yet on the spot performance of our Elvis Presley impersonator. It's a magical night to remember and it is a successful one and once again we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to everyone who supports and follow our journey as a company. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

5 Tricks to make our beloved infants to eat.

Feeding our babies is hard and it takes time, patience and I mean long patience. Whether we are just trying to feed our babies new foods or even just a normal food that they usually eat. 

But say no more! Because here are some tips that are parents proven effective tips to make our babies eat and enjoy their healthy meals.

1. The Airplane
Toddlers love playing games and love getting attention from parents. The Airplane is one of the most common trick to use it gives your baby the attention that they want and gives them the entertainment that they need. 

The steps are easy to use the airplane trick, Just think that the spoon is an airplane and imitate the sound of an incoming airplane.

2. The Colorful Meal Set
Toddlers get hypnotized by bright colors and happy images. That's why we can use some colorful meal set and get them to feel that the food is extra special with a new set of meal set.

3. The Family Meal Time
Family meal time is healthy not just for the baby but for the whole family. Family meal time is eating all together. I mean who wants to eat alone? Plus babies love imitating what their parents are doing.

4.The 5 Star Experience
It may sound a little bit weird but babies love good plating too, But doesn't mean to plate like a Michelin star chef. It means that if the meal is about veggies try to cut it in a presentable way cause the more attractive the food is the more its appealing it is to our babies.

5 Let them be your assistant chef
This trick is fun for you and your baby. So basically you are going to show them how your their food is prepared and done it is best to combine it with the trick #4 which make them more excited and hungry for the meal.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

2017 ABC Trade Show Las Vegas

October 17 was the start of the 2017 ABC Kids trade show at the Las Vegas convention center. Many companies from the industry big and small gathered to showcase everyone's idea, products and even services. Our day started at 8 am (Tuesday) everyone met at the office for our briefing and our first day turned out to be a blast! Our team met with various people from different industries that were highly interested in business with Mace Corporation, and who can forget our 2 out of this world friends Gina the martian and Dave the astronaut who made our day even more fun and interesting. In conclusion, our experience at the 2017 ABC Kids trade show was a perfect 10!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Mace Patents: A Sign of Greater Things to Come

We are very excited to share that Mace Corporation received 3  of our latest patents from United States Patent office and we are glad to inform everyone that we are on track with our product development. Our Mace family is continuing to grow even further and innovating more and more products that make our lives easier.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Mace Baby Bottle Holder: The Essential Baby Product Parents Have Been Missing

Mace Baby Bottle Holder
Mace Baby Bottle Holder
Sometimes life can be overwhelming with the addition of a new baby. Between work and parenting duties, it seems like parents never have enough arms to do it all. At Mace Corporation we believe that parents should have the ability to do it all, that’s why we invented the Mace Baby Bottle Holder. Designed from sturdy plastic, our baby holder is meant to allow parents to feed their babies hands free .We know how important it is for busy parents to get everything on their “to do” list done, our newest invention does just that.
Our Baby Bottle Holder works with our Mace Baby Bottle that attaches to the clutch of the Bottle Holder. When the baby is placed underneath the bottle holder our baby bottle design only allows for feeding to occur if they baby sucks on the bottle nipple, preventing spilling and spoilage of food. The bottle and holder system allows for parents to feed and work at the same time. The system is also perfect for parents of multiples that cannot feed all their children at once. The Bottle Holder can be used by parents, grandparents, babysitters, and child care givers and may take care of multiple children at once.

As part of our patent products, there is nothing like the Mace Baby Bottle Holder out on the market. Available in a variety of colors, the Bottle Holder is a next generation baby product, perfect for the next generation of busy parents. Designed to make parenting easier, the Holder is meant to be your “extra arm” when you need it the most. Parenting shouldn’t be overwhelming, let Mace Corp help you with our line of essential baby products.
Get yours today at